Intelligence Division is responsible for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence.

If you want to reach out to the division, at this time, the main point of contact is Acent0r.

Division Sections Member Names
Officer Acent0r
Data Section
Specialist Endamaren
Analytics Section
Specialist *Actively Recruiting*
Security Section
Specialist MrAliFu
Research Section
Specialist *Actively Recruiting*

Data Section

This section is concerned with the collection and processing of data. Specialists of this section are proficient in data collection methods and data processing techniques, Data Operations, and Data Science.

Analytics Section

This section is concerned with the analysis of data. They act as a bridge between the Intelligence Division and the other divisions and provide their analytical expertise. Specialists of this section are proficient in data analysis techniques, Data Analytics, and Data Visualization.

Security Section

Security section is concerned with the security of the organization's information and communications systems.

Research Section

The research section is primarily focused on the development of advanced solutions to assist in Imperium's endeavors.


Do you feel like you could fit one of these roles? Reach out to the division's officer to have a chat.

Are you interested in a more gameplay-oriented role? Check out other Imperium Divisions

Secure Communications

Feel free to request PGP keys if you wish to communicate securely.