Imperium’s Science Division primarily runs non-military operations, dedicated to discovering the unknown and operating outside Imperium Operations Space. Missions created from non-military activities focused on anything from navigating jump points to locating valuable formations, and resource locations. The Science division also holds an interest in gameplay types such as medical gameplay (to include search and rescue operations), racing gameplay, and when it becomes available, research and development gameplay loops.

Division Sections Member Names
Senior Officer:
Technical Planning:
Section Officer: CC-Corp
Senior Specialist(s):
Section Officer: CC-Corp
Senior Specialist(s):
Records & Data:
Section Officer: CC-Corp
Senior Specialist(s):
Specialist(s): Aegid
Section Officer: Erica Kissaki
Senior Specialist(s):

Technical Planning Section:
This section's primary responsibilities will include defining mission objectives, project development, managing multi-mission, and working with the Operations Division to create tiered plans for any major Science Projects. Technical Planning’s primary duty, however, will always be to transform the general instructions from Imperium command into quantifiable objectives that can be achieved through the generation of missions.

The staff of this section will also be required to communicate with other sections so that the best individuals are selected to lead the most critical of fleet missions.

Academic Section:
The Academic Section will undertake the development of guides and standards so members have an expectation of what the requirements and content related to the many areas of gameplay within science are. This will lead to also providing technical information for Academy Division so they may develop certifications for students that want to learn about science-focused gameplay mechanics.

Records & Data Section:
The Records & Data Section is responsible for gathering and compiling information about various aspects of the game. With this information, various documentation can be created to further future development within Science. Additionally, this section could be asked to assist in the development of tools that will better help manage records and data collection.

Field Section:
The Field Section consists of the various in-game activities that science is focusing on. Individuals within this section will be experts in their fields of interest, choosing one of three specialties:
Exploration gameplay, to include cartography.